Aren't these the cutest kids? Oh whoops, how did that picture get there? Oh well I guess I have to blog about it now!JK
I think the last time I had a bike was when I was 14. For years that's how I got around. There wasn't anywhere I couldn't go on my bike. Mind you that bike was a BMX bike that I put together piece by piece. My friends and I used to make jumps, ride the canyons and take on the motocross trails. Crazy. I don't know why I'm still alive, but that was so fun. I also loved jumping on and riding to my friends, to the store, to the basketball court or to softball practice. Those were the days. Soon after that, I started going to HS, getting rides from friends, parents and eventually driving myself. No more bike riding. Fast forward 34 years. When I got on a bike again it all came flooding back. Whoo hoo! Many times on my Saturday training rides we climb up steep long hills, but oh how I love kicking it in the highest gear and cranking those pedals going down!!!! 45 miles per hour feels a lot different and more fun on a bike! Zooooooom! Sometimes I just plain let out a scream of pure joy! (I can't help myself)
Anyway I'm having a great time - wow just what I need, a new guilty pleasure.
Ya know, This bike of mine isn't really that fancy, it's entry level, but I found it pretty much brand new on Craig's list for a steal, after looking for about 3 months.
I think it's dumb how I'm so excited about it and how sometimes I just like to stare at it. But I can't help it, it's just so darn fun.