As we were doing some cleaning out in closets, I happened upon this fan.
We all got a kick out of it!
08 - Eliminates Right of Same-Sex
Couples to Marry
YES: 5,195,136 52.1%
NO: 4,779,297 47.9%
Come one, come all--I just thought I'd go ahead add my two cents of Halloween-ness into the mix of things.
I think we all know that Halloween isn't really my favorite ordeal. It just doesn't do all that much for me. Regardless, I went through a mental list of activities I could take part in to occupy my night.
I had the apartment to myself for a while... so i decided to clean :) Why not do something productive and enjoy some lovely Frank Sinatra while I was at it? Plus a few cute kids stopped by to trick-or-treat <3> little visitors, and old jazz to fill my soul... what can compare to that? :) haha. The next question was... "What to do next?"
Here are the options I had:
Here is what ended up happening: