Sunday, October 12, 2008

kamden and tyler in the fall

Hello all,
I may have changed my name, but I'm sure as heck still part of the Gardner Gang, and Tyler has been adopted into us too. We are here in Provo, I'm a full time student in the Elementary Education Major at BYU and I just started a new job working with some research with a dual immersion scho0ol up in Salt Lake City, I miss my missionaries a lot but know this job is a huge blessing and a great opportunity. Tyler is taking a couple classes but working full time for an internet coaching company and doing very well as a manager there. We are so happy, and loving being married, we tell each other everyday how lucky we are to have such a sweet relationship. It's been so fun to have Caitlin up here too, it's awesome to have family close, I've waited for that for seven years.
This past weekend was conference and we had some people from my mission staying with us it was there first time in Utah and at conference, what an amazing experience it was to see their eyes light up with tears to see the prophet only a few rows in front of them and feeling the strength of the saints in the conference center. Edgar was the one strong baptism I saw baptized and to the temple and still remains strong. Being with him at conference and having him in my home was so powerful. Unforgettable. What a blessing it was to have all of these sweet friends in my own home with my husband when they had given me so much as a missionary. I felt it such a privilege that they would think of me to host them of all the missionaries that they could have called I love them. It was so great to hear Tyler speaking spanish and interacting and loving these people who mean so much to me too. I can't wait to get to his mission someday and feel that same for those wonderful saints of El Salvador. What a blessing it is to live in these days. United in the faith, united in Christ.

1 comment:

The Mom said...

Hey Kamden,
Thanks for the post! As
Grandpa C would say, "That's mooooore like it!"

Love you!