Thursday, January 15, 2009

Perfect Weather for Flying!

Jaren got a customized "Super J" cape for Christmas. Here he is demonstrating his super flying powers locally in his backyard. However, he has been seen flying at supermarkets, haircut stores and even Disneyland. Keep you eye out for further
"Super J" sightings.


c a ! t l ! n said...

He's my favorite <3

...and I am quite jealous that he gets to run around in a Tshirt and shorts in mid January.

Oh, it is love.

Andrea said...

j you are so fast i could hardly see you. . .
he is a cute one.

Anonymous said...

That's so cute -- did I hear you short of breath trying to keep up with him??? I know I would be.

kmickeld said...

That was Fun!!
He's adorable.

Jen said...

ROFL! Yeah... Porter really loves his Super P cape. {Thanks Aunt Sue!} He has even been seen combining it with his HP wand (from halloween) and glasses. He's not only super, he's magical too. (hehehe!)
Have fun Super J!!