Friday, January 23, 2009

Mario Galaxy Magic

The video begins with Jaren in a crabby mood becoming fed up with a teasing big brother that he says he does not want! However Weston has learned it only takes two little words to change the worse mood in his little brother.
The mood change is miraculous!


c a ! t l ! n said...

oh heck yes. :]

that's hilarious.

Gotta love J-Bay.

Bry and Rach said...

I love it! Don't you wish life was that simple all the time and we could do that same thing? We are told to but it is so hard to be 'like a little child'

Bry and Rach said...

ps. love the new fam pics!

The Hainsworths said...

oh man this is too awesome! LOLOLOL i'm dying here!

Tami said...

So what is Mario Galaxy??? I have no idea! That was a cute video.

Anonymous said...

that is great, what a difference a little game makes!...and the guarantee of a little time spent with his older brother. Chris

Andrea said...

so funny!